Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Day 30 of NaNoWriMo 2016

OK, so I have one more word to write today and that word is...
That's right. I have successfully made it to the end of the month, with just one word to write, making my word count 50,000 words!

*cue confetti cannons and fireworks*

Since I'm here, I want to thank the person who came up with the idea of reverse NaNoWriMo, as I couldn't have done it without them. I also want to thank everyone who has supported me on this endeavor, you all rock. Congratulations to all winners of NaNoWriMo 2016, whether you wrote 50,000 words or not.

With that, I bid you all a fond farewell and I'll see you in December.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Day 29 of NaNoWriMo 2016

It's the penultimate day of NaNoWriMo, and I have 116 words left to write. I wonder how did that happen, seeing as I haven't exactly been up to par with my writing. But I'm at the end of the second part of my story and with that, I can't really start with part 3 until NaNoEdMo, when I'm free to edit this story and explain what that story's about.

With that, I give you today's word count;

  • Today's words written: 116
  • Total words written: 49,999

Monday, November 28, 2016

Day 28 of NaNoWriMo 2016

It's Cyber Monday today and I confess that I've gone on a shopping spree on Amazon, buying as many books as I could, for free. As usual, I did my writing in the morning so I would have more time to shop online. Not to be a Boasting Betsy, but my word count is shorter than most people's. But I won't hold anything against you if you don't have 50,000 words written.

  • Today's word count: 231 words
  • Words count: 49,883 words

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Day 27 of NaNoWriMo 2016

It's the last Sunday of November (and NaNoWriMo) and while most people are panicking with trying to squeeze their way to 50,000 words, I feel at peace knowing that the fewer words I write, the more my word count rises. I don't have to feel any pressure at all, save for when I have to write for at least 30 minutes.

Well, I'll be back tomorrow!

  • Today's word count: 346 words
  • Words count: 49,652 words

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Day 26 of NaNoWriMo 2016

Thanksgiving weekend is here and NaNoWriMo is now winding down, but that doesn't mean you can stop writing. By now, you should have made some serious progress on your novel, as I have. (Plus, writing 461 words is nothing to sneeze at.) But I do realize that I am not done with my book yet.

In fact, I have Part 3 to write as well as the glossary and other things.

Well, safe to say, I'm almost there! Just a few more words and I will have reached 50,000! (This is the first time I've reached 50,000 without using any cheats, so I'm proud of myself in that regard.)

  • Today's word count: 461 words
  • Words count: 49,306 words

Friday, November 25, 2016

Day 25 of NaNoWriMo 2016

Now that Thanksgiving has come and passed and the holiday shopping season is starting, I realize it's important that I don't get caught up in the holiday madness if it can be helped. Which means (with great difficulty) that I have no choice but to ignore Black Friday and focus solely on NaNoWriMo.

And it shouldn't be too hard to do that because I only have 576 words to write today. (See how quickly time flies when you have done the most hard work at the beginning of the month? It gets easier every day. I think I might do that with all my stories and see how far I get.)

Anyway, I really need to get back to writing, as these words aren't going to write themselves. I'll be back tomorrow!

  • Today's word count: 576 words
  • Words count: 48,845 words

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Day 24 of NaNoWriMo 2016

It's Thanksgiving Day, and I'm feeling the pressure. Its moments like this when I'm glad I used Reverse NaNoWriMo because if I didn't, I would NEVER get to where I'm supposed to be!

Anyway, I have written 690 words and with that, I'm off to watch movies and eat dinner. Yet I really wish I could end my story with these words: "And so, in the year 2020, America was turned into a benevolent constitutional monarchy with Gregg Porter as its king and Joseph Houston as the prime minister. Donald Trump died of a heart attack, but no one cared. Gobble gobble!"

  • Today's word count: 690 words
  • Words count: 48,269 words

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Day 23 of NaNoWriMo 2016

It's the day before Thanksgiving and on this blog, one author is struggling against the distraction known as he holidays.

Well, I don't like being distracted, as distraction has cost me many years in writing and other things. If I have learned anything from my years of unsuccessful NaNoWriMos, it's that I can become so distracted that I refuse to sit down and actually WRITE.

But not this year; this year, I fully intend to set aside an hour or two and actually get stuff done. And I have done that by managing to write 805 words, bringing the total word count to 47,579. I say maybe I should finish NaNoWriMo tomorrow, but I'm not pushing it.
  • Today's word count: 805 words
  • Words count: 47,579 words

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Day 22 of NaNoWriMo 2016

It's week 3 of NaNoWriMo and I'm feeling the pressure to write when I want to do other things. At the same time, my word count is rising as the number of words I'm writing shrinks.

Case in point:

Today, I have written 920 words, and my word count is now 46,774 words. I'm wondering how did THAT happen, seeing as how three weeks ago, I was writing over 3,000 words a day.

Where did the time go?

Who knows?

  • Today's word count: 920 words
  • Words count: 46,774 words

Monday, November 21, 2016

Day 21 of NaNoWriMo 2016

Week 3 of NaNoWriMo is over and I'm glad, since my book is starting to take shape. But I realize that now that I'm here, this will be the last day I write over 1,000 words. After that, it gets easier, since I will only be writing under 1,000 words for the rest of the month.

This is usually the time when I slack off, so to speak. But since the competition began, I haven't done much slacking off, but distractions are still evil.

  • Today's word count: 1,035 words
  • Words count: 45,854 words

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Day 20 of NaNoWriMo 2016

Well, there's 10 more days to go in November, so this is the time where I usually start to slack off. It doesn't get really bad until the 21st or the 22nd, but when I slack off, I end up doing other things that aren't NaNoWriMo related. (And when I do, I usually start another story or delete the entire thing and start over. I never really just stick to the story, as it were.)

Well, not this time, seeing as I'm using Reverse NaNoWriMo and it's keeping me on track. I can't afford to slack off, not if I want to win this competition fair and square.
  • Today's word count: 1,150 words
  • Words count: 44,819 words

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Day 19 of NaNoWriMo 2016

As I'm creating many silly stories that could have a dark side to them, I wonder how many people will believe those stories are true. After all, the book is actually a satire on everything pop culture related and it causes me to see how I really see the world of pop culture. I can't say I don't like where everything's going right now, but I know how it's all going to end someday.
  • Today's word count: 1,264 words
  • Words count: 43,669 words

Friday, November 18, 2016

Day 18 of NaNoWriMo 2016

Well, while I'm looking back on what I've written (and tearing up parts of the story and rewriting them to make them fit), I realize that there's no way I'm going to finish the book by the end of the month. It's just not going to happen. I mean, even with the decreasing word writing, I can't squeeze everything into one month, no matter how hard I try. But that doesn't mean I can't try.

  • Today's word count: 1,379 words
  • Words count: 42,405 words

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Day 17 of NaNoWriMo 2016

Now that I'm here, it's getting easier for me to write, even if I inevitably delete and rewrite every last word in every paragraph. (which is a bad habit I need to break if I want to be a professional writer.)

With that, I shall give you the word count of the day:

  • Today's word count: 1,494 words
  • Words count: 41,026 words

Only less than 10,000 words to go!

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Day 16 of NaNoWriMo 2016

It's been 24 hours since Halfway Day, and now that I'm more than halfway done with the word count, things have gotten easier since November 1, when I had a fun time trying to write 3,346 words in one day.

Well, I have to get back to writing, as this story isn't going to write itself.

Today's word count: 1,609 words

Words count: 39,532 words

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Day 15 of NaNoWriMo 2016

Guess what today is? It's Halfway Day!

It's November 15, 2016, and if you're still writing for NaNoWriMo, you're halfway there! Well, it doesn't matter how many words you wrote; all it matters is that you’ve been writing for 15 days.

Don't forget you still have another 15 more days to write. Plus, you can't forget about Thanksgiving and Black Friday, so be careful how of you spend your time. The second you slide off track, you won't be able to catch up.

Today's word count: 1,724 words

Words count: 37,923 words

Total word count from November 1 until now: 38,623 words

Monday, November 14, 2016

Day 14 of NaNoWriMo 2016

On the day before halfway day, I'm sidelined by a cold. I hate getting sick, because that can cost me a single day. (I've been through enough of those!)

Plus, I had to put the glossary in a separate column and make up fake news articles in the stale grapes news, which are always funny in a weird sort of way.

Despite that, I managed to write 1,838 words today, bringing my total word count to 36,199 words. How many words have I written in two weeks? 36,899 words. Now that wasn’t so hard, wasn’t it?

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Day 13 of NaNoWriMo 2016

Week 3 of NaNoWriMo is here, and I have once again crashed and burned, inevitably. I realized that I might have pushed myself a bit too hard and rewriting sections of the story that I don't like. I really hope I can get this story under control soon.

Today's word count: 1,953 words

Overall word count: 34,361 words

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Day 12 of NaNoWriMo 2016

As I've already written on my other blog, today I crashed and burned. I guess it was inevitable, seeing as I had pushed myself way too hard. Writing is supposed to be enjoyable; the second you treat writing like a chore, it becomes painful.

And I've done that enough times already.

Anyway, here's the word count for the day: 2,068 words, which brings the total word count to 32,408 words. As the second week of NaNoWriMo ends, I should be proud of what I’ve done so far, which is what I have never done before.

Friday, November 11, 2016

Day 11 of NaNoWriMo 2016

OK, so it's Veteran's Day and I'm on the verge of a breakdown. so far, i was really enjoying the game of Reverse NaNoWriMo, but now it's starting to get to me. the pressure to write the correct words has me going back and deleting some things I could have kept. But it's not like I haven't been though this before, or have i?


OK then.

Anyway, here's the word count for the day: 2,183 words, which brings the total word count to 30,340 words. Not bad, but I feel that I could be doing more.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Day 10 of NaNoWriMo 2016

After the madness has died down some, I know it's time I got back to work on my story, as like it or not, NaNoWriMo must still go on, despite who got elected president.

Or maybe it's time we all sat back and rethink our lives and how we got to this point in time. We can't turn back the hands of time, but we can think back to our lives before the madness began and go in a different direction.

But that's for another blog post.

Anyway, here's the word count for the day: 2,298, which brings the total word count to 28,157.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Day 9 of NaNoWriMo 2016

With the madness surrounding the person who was elected the 45th president of the United States, I decided to ignore it and keep going. After all, NaNoWriMo doesn't stop just because someone is elected president.

And even then, who cares who wins, as long as I can get something done. (Or maybe not, if the madness is anything to go by. But we shall see...)

And what's the word count for today: 2,412 words, which makes the total word count 25,859. I'm halfway there! But I've got so much more to do until the month is done, so I can't celebrate my victory just yet.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Day 8 of NaNoWriMo 2016

OK, I'm biting the bullet and publishing what I have written so far on Smashwords, so here's the link:

With that, I'm going to plow into writing this story and try to ignore the election day madness that's sweeping the country. It's NaNoWriMo, and we don't have time for that!

Anyway, here's the word count for the day: 2,527, which brings the total word count to 23,447. Almost halfway through, and I'm only 8 days into NaNoWriMo!

Monday, November 7, 2016

Day 7 of NaNoWriMo 2016

Well, since daylight savings time is finally over, I can have more time to write and not have to worry about setting any clocks forward or backward.

But that doesn't mean anything if you have so much to write and not enough hours in the day to do so.

In that case, I want to only spend an hour writing and the rest of the day doing other things. My blogs are being neglected and my other writing projects are crying for my attention, so I must do this and get them done quickly.

Not to say that I will get them all done this year, but I can very well try.

Word count: 2,642 words written, adding to 20,920 total words completed.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Day 6 of NaNoWriMo 2016

OK, so staying up late to watch Saturday Night Live and then taking almost 2 hours to completely overhaul my book was not a good idea, but daylight savings time kicked in, meaning that I got an extra hour to work and FINALLY get some sleep.

And then I woke up later, being all caught up. But it's not over yet.

Today, I watched as my word count slowly decreased, as I have written 2,757 words. At this point, I'm practically doing the happy dance, not knowing that things are going to get tougher as I have to know where to stop writing.

And sometimes, when I start something, I can't stop.

Total word count: 2,757 words, leading to 18,278 total words written.

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Day 5 of NaNoWriMo 2016

OK, so as the first weekend of NaNoWriMo approaches, I have to be careful not to lose my head. It would be nothing short of a disaster to fall apart after I've gotten so much further than what I had done in my entire life.

And guess what? I'm going to see Dr. Strange in theaters today, so I really can't be playing around. Not where it counts.

Fortunately, I managed to write 2,872 words, marveling at the fact that the story is coming along nicely. (Although after looking over it, I realized that I had to make some much-needed changes, so I'll have to do that later on tonight.)

Total word count: 15,521 words

Friday, November 4, 2016

Day 4 of NaNoWriMo 2016

So yesterday, I wrote 2,986 words, putting my total word count at 12,649. (Which can practically be a novella, if I wanted to write a novella. In fact, I can write as many as 5 novellas in 50,000 words, but I'm not going to chance it just yet.)

And yet, I've not been done, as I've gotten past the 10,000 mark in four days. (Thank you reverse nano; I don't know what I'd do without you!)

Anyway, with that in mind, I need to keep going, and yet, I want to see the Dr. Strange movie that's out in theaters today. (Mom says we might go to the movies this weekend, but who knows?)

Total word count: 12,649 words, which is an improvement over last year's word count on that date.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Day 3 of NaNoWriMo 2016

OK, so I've got 3,101 words written today and yet, I'm still stuck on chapter 2. I'm finally learning that the first draft is just a first draft an most of what I've written so far is going to be deleted anyway, so why bother crying about it? Plus, I'm going to post snippets of the book on Smashwords this weekend.

So what should I do, seeing as I still can't stop working on my novel? The reverse nano method isn't something for the casual writer; it's for writers who want to get serious about their writing. That's why I'm going to use this method for NaNoWriMo from now on.

(Camp NaNoWriMo and JuNoWriMo are still up for debate, as I haven't made my decision regarding the use of that method for those projects yet.)

So as I close out this blog post, I must do the total word count (since I forgot to do it yesterday):

Word count: 9,663 words. I must be doing something right, as last year on this date, I wrote 8,000 words. But that's for another blog post.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Day 2 of NaNoWriMo 2016

Sometimes, I wonder why I haven't used the reverse NaNoWriMo method a long time ago. If I had known about that when I was creating my stories and eventually starting NaNoWriMo back in 2008, I would have written more stories faster.

but hey, that's why we make mistakes; mistakes help us learn. (plus letting go of past regrets over not finishing a story has taken a huge weight off my shoulders.)

Today, I wrote 3,216 words, which puts my writing at 6,562 words. In less than 2 days, I have surpassed the 1,667 and 5,000 word count goals. I know I'm on my way to greatness because I've gotten the hardest part out of the way.

Only one more day of writing over 3,000 words and I'll be done.

So, for all of you who are choosing to take this crazy NaNoWriMo journey, I salute you. You're doing something you thought you'd never do. Just keep going and one day, you'll have a novel that you can be proud of. As will I.

Word count: 6,562 words.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Let the Games Begin!!!

And now for the main event...NANOWRIMO 2016!!!

As this day arrives, I realize that even if I had gotten a head start by starting at midnight, I need to keep going. Using the reverse NaNoWriMo method was a lot harder than I imagined, and it was not easy writing over 3,000 words in one day. (Thankfully, I have two more days of doing that, which makes me feel a lot better.)

Anyway, so I've been able to get everything started and so far, everyting's going great. Not that I want to brag, but I'm just glad that I planned head and got everything together BEFORE I jumped into the fray. As a result, even though I hit my required word count, I couldn't stop writing. (Of course, I forced myself to stop at a few points, but I'm picking it back up again after my break. Must take breaks during events like these, which was another reason why I failed so many NaNos!)

But enough about that.

I'm going to sign off now and get back to writing, as this novel isn't going to write itself!

So I have to go back and read over some old info that I have on a few certain characters I wanted to feature. Back to writing...

And the word count goal has been reached, but I can't seem to stop writing. This is what happens when you've built up something and it seems to overflow.

Already planning for the next day's writing. If I can get to at least 1,000 words, I'll be able to cut my writing time in half. Who knows?

Word count: 3,346 words.