Saturday, December 3, 2016

Happy 1-year Anniversary to this Blog!

I can't believe it has been one year since I started this blog. During that year, I have rediscovered my love of writing as well as me discovering how best to approach my lack of motivation to keep writing. Thanks to this blog, I have been able to complete Camp NaNoWriMo, JuNoWriMo, and NaNoWriMo in record time.

And I have you all to thank for this successful year and I hope for many more years with this blog.

As for NaNoFiMo, I'll get to it tomorrow.

Friday, December 2, 2016

I Guess I Forgot About NaNoFiMo

Well, this is...weird.

Apparently, I had signed up for this site called NaNoFiMo, which is short for National Novel Finishing Month.

As in, you have one month to finish writing your novel.

Well, had I known about it back then, it would have saved me so many hours, weeks, and even years of complete embarrassment, providing that I should have used the site when I had the chance.

Now I am.

This year, I hope to wrap up the story "And You Thought Your Family Was Weird" after my embarrassing flop last year. I bet you've all seen the blog post where I was angry with myself for failing to properly write the story, so don't ask. This time, however, I’m going to pick up where I left off and hopefully, save the novel.

The revamped novel now stands at 16,276 words, so I’m kind of ahead of schedule. Hopefully, I can get to 20,000 words before Monday.

In case I forget, I’m going on the site to get ready to finish the novel, so if you have any questions, don't hesitate to comment on this blog. I will get back to you shortly.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

The Post NaNoWriMo Blues

I call this post "The Post NaNoWriMo Blues", because it's been a day since NaNoWriMo ended. I'm now wondering what happens next, since the blog was mainly used for keeping track of my NaNoWriMo novel during the month of November. What do I do now?

Well, I already know that have a ton of blog posts to make up and I'm not sure if I can do them all in a month. Also, I have seven books to finish writing, edit, and eventually publish. So I have one day to rest and then it's back to work.

With that, I will see you tomorrow.