Tuesday, November 3, 2020

"You Need to Come Back Right Now! NaNoWriMo Has Started Again!"

 OK, so I've been gone for a while, but it's time to get back to this blog. (I admit that I've almost forgotten about it until now, but it's good to be back.)

Of course I'll tell you about my other stories while I'm at it. Just be patient, OK?

Anyway, the blog feels a bit dated and (save for a few posts here and there) I'm going to have to start all over again! But not to worry, as I can backdate a ton of the blog entries to fit what I've written so far so you won't get lost in this inane rambling. 

Plus, this blog should only be used during the month of November, so I have a ton of editing to do. 


Anyway, I'm going to talk about my latest writing project within a few hours, so watch for it!